Drummer jokes and puns have been around for as long as there have been drummers, providing a lighthearted way to poke fun at the heartbeat of any band.
But why are they so popular, and how can a good drummer joke brighten up your day?
In this post, we’ll delve into the world of drummer jokes, exploring their appeal and uncovering some of the best ones out there.
Not only will these drummer jests give you a good chuckle, but they might even help you bond with fellow musicians or lighten the mood in your next band practice.
So, whether you’re a drummer yourself or just enjoy a good laugh, read on to find some hilarious jokes, puns, and one-liners that’ll have you rolling on the floor like a drumstick on a snare!
Table of Contents
- Best Drummer Memes
- Top 128+ Best Drummer Jokes
- Jokes About Drum Solos
- Drummer One-Liners
- Jokes Involving Drum Sticks
- Drummer vs. Other Instrument Jokes
- Jokes About Drummer Stereotypes
- Puns on Drumming Terms
- Jokes About Famous Drummers
- Drum Set Jokes
- Percussionist Jokes
- Jokes About Drumming Practice
- Drumming Mishap Jokes
- Band Member Banter Jokes
- Drummer Timing Jokes
- Drum Lessons Jokes
- Jokes About Drumming Frustrations
- Drumming Career Jokes
- Drummer’s Love Life Jokes
- Jokes on Drumming Gigs
- Jokes About Drummer’s Egos.
- Top 128 Best Drummer Puns
- The Bottom Line
Best Drummer Memes
Meme #1: The other 2 are lying
And they are lying very bad!

Meme #2: Backpack/Drum Set
This man is carry his whole life!

Meme #3: Can’t you just sing?
Oh common, I’m 57, let me be myself.

Meme #4: Drummers needs adults with them
If lost, please return them back without their drumset.

Meme #5: Drummer after a gig
We get all the girls, and that’s okay, it’ll always be like that.

Meme #6: Big kit, little stage.
I feel like I need another hi-hat!

Meme #7: “I play drums”
And she jumped all over me instantly!

Meme #8: Who takes the most time?
But then everybody starts tuning and it balances all out!

Meme #9: My future
One of them beats their wife.

Meme #10: Can y’all just hurry up?
That awkward moment when everybody tells the drummer to keep it low so the tuner can pick up the guitar signal.

Top 128+ Best Drummer Jokes
From on-point timing to incredible grooves, these jokes will tickle your funny bone and snare your attention.
So grab your drumsticks and let’s dive into this rhythm-filled world of wit and humor that’ll leave you asking for an encore.
Jokes About Drum Solos

- How do you know when a drum solo is about to start? The drummer takes off his wedding ring.
- Why do bands always put a drum solo in the middle of their shows? It’s so everyone can go home without having to fight the traffic.
- Why was the drummer unable to finish his drum solo? He broke a sweat.
- What’s the difference between a drum solo and a migraine? You can actually enjoy a migraine for a little while.
- Why did the drummer get arrested during his drum solo? He was caught beating it in public.
- How can you tell if a drummer is really good at their drum solo? They can do it with one hand tied behind their back.
- Why do drummers always insist on doing a drum solo? Because no one else will let them.
- What’s the best way to shorten a drum solo? Hand the drummer a pair of chopsticks instead of drumsticks.
- Why was the drummer’s solo so quiet? He was afraid of waking up the bassist.
- How do you know when a drummer is finished with their drum solo? They start complaining about guitar solos.
- Why did the drummer’s solo go on forever? Because he couldn’t find the “stop” button on his drum machine.
- What’s the difference between a drum solo and a dinosaur? One is a loud, obnoxious creature that should be extinct, and the other is a dinosaur.
- What do you call a drummer that can play a 30-minute drum solo without stopping? A windbag.
Drummer One-Liners
- How do you know when a drummer is at your door? The knocking speeds up and slows down.
- What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless.
- Why did the drummer sit on his drumsticks? He wanted to play by ear.
- What do you call a drummer who can play more than one beat? Overqualified.
- Why do drummers have lots of kids? They’re not too good at the rhythm method.
- How can you tell if a drummer has perfect pitch? They can throw a drumstick into the dumpster without hitting the rim.
- Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the drummer salad dressing.
- What’s the last thing a drummer says before he gets kicked out of the band? “Hey, I wrote a song!”
- Why did the drummer get detention? He kept dropping his sticks.
- How is a drum solo like a sneeze? You can sense it coming, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? One will mature and make money.
- Why did the drummer take up cross-stitching? To improve his timing.
- What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Gifted.
Jokes Involving Drum Sticks

- What do you call a drummer who’s lost his drumsticks? A quiet blessing.
- Why did the chicken cross the road with drumsticks? He wanted to start a chicken band.
- Why did the drummer bring extra drumsticks to the gig? In case the chicken showed up.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drumstick? One makes noise, the other takes the beating.
- Why did the turkey join the band? It had great drumsticks.
- Why was the drummer always carrying drumsticks in his back pocket? He wanted to beat it.
- What do you call a drummer without his drumsticks? A frustrated air drummer.
- How do drumsticks feel after a long practice session? Beat up.
- Why did the drumstick go to therapy? It couldn’t handle the constant beatings.
- What do you call a drummer who can’t find his drumsticks? Stick-less and confused.
- Why do drummers always carry two drumsticks? In case they drop the beat.
Drummer vs. Other Instrument Jokes
- How can you tell if a drummer is at your door? The knocking speeds up and he doesn’t know when to come in.
- What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Gifted.
- How do you get a drummer off your porch? Pay him for the pizza.
- Why do guitarists put drumsticks on the dash of their car? So they can park in the handicapped spot.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? Eventually, a savings bond will mature and earn money.
- How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they have machines to do that now.
- What do you call a drummer who breaks up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
- Why don’t drummers ever get a solo? Because they can’t find the one.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a trampoline? You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
- What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians? A drummer.
- How can you tell a drummer is upset? His timing gets better.
- What did the drummer say to the band leader? “Do you want me to play too fast or too slow?”
- Why did the drummer bring string to the gig? To tie up the guitarist during his solos.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drummer joke? The joke repeats itself less often.
Jokes About Drummer Stereotypes

- What do you call a drummer who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
- How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but he’ll break ten bulbs before he gets it right.
- Why did the drummer keep a bucket of water beside his drums? To keep the hiHat from getting too hot.
- Why do drummers always have a bad memory? They’re constantly losing their sticks.
- How can you tell if a drummer is knocking at your door? The knocking speeds up and slows down.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? You only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once.
- What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Gifted.
- Why do guitarists put drumsticks on the dash of their car? So they can park in the handicapped space.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? One will eventually mature and earn money.
- Why did the drummer stare at the can of orange juice? Because it said “concentrate”.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four.
- How do you know when a drummer is at your door? The knock gets louder and faster, then they come in without waiting for you to answer.
Puns on Drumming Terms
- Why did the drummer break up with his girlfriend? She had too many hang-ups.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite type of weather? A snare storm.
- Why do drummers always carry a spare drumstick? Because they’re afraid of getting caught with their pants down in a paradiddle.
- Why did the drummer join a gym? He wanted to work on his drumming endurance and strengthen his double bass power.
- What do you call a drummer who can play the same beat for hours? A metronome.
- Why did the drummer get a speeding ticket? He couldn’t resist the urge to play a fast beat.
- Why did the drummer go to jail? He couldn’t find the right tempo and kept getting arrested.
- What’s the drummer’s favorite sandwich? A paradiddle with extra cheese.
- Why do drummers always have a spare bedroom? In case they need a crash pad after a gig.
- Why did the drummer move to the woods? He wanted to practice his rimshots without disturbing the neighbors.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite candy? Drumstick lollipops.
- Why did the drummer go to the library? He wanted to check out some new drumming techniques and rhythms.
Jokes About Famous Drummers
- Why did the drummer break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t keep up with his rhythm.
- What did the drummer say to his bandmates when they asked for more cowbell? “I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!”
- Why did the drummer start playing guitar? He wanted to start a band called “The Drummers” and needed someone to play the lead.
- Why was Keith Moon always late for practice? He was too busy trying to break the world record for the longest drum solo!
- What do Neil Peart and a mathematician have in common? They both love to work out complex time signatures.
- Why did the drummer put his drumsticks in the refrigerator? He wanted to play it cool during his next gig.
- Why did Ringo Starr refuse to play Monopoly? He didn’t want to break up the Beatles again!
- How do you know when a drummer is about to play a solo? He starts spinning his drumsticks like a helicopter.
- Why did the drummer join a cooking class? He heard it would improve his “stick” control.
- What do you call a drummer who can play two different time signatures at once? A human metronome!
- Why did the drummer get kicked out of the library? He couldn’t stop talking about his paradiddles.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four!
Drum Set Jokes

- What did the drummer say to the band leader? “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back…beat.”
- What do you call a drummer who can play more than one time signature? A showoff.
- Why do guitarists put drumsticks on their dashboards? So they can park in the handicapped spaces.
- How do you know when a drummer is knocking on your door? The knocking speeds up and slows down, and they don’t know when to come in.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? You only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once.
- Why did the drummer get fired from his job at the bakery? He couldn’t keep a steady roll.
- How can you tell if a drummer is having a bad day? He keeps dropping his sticks, but not during a drum solo.
- Why did the drummer take up gardening? Because he heard it was a great way to improve his “groove.”
- What do you call a drummer who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
- Why do drummers make terrible fishermen? They always drop the bass.
Percussionist Jokes
- What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Overqualified.
- What does a drummer use for contraception? His personality.
- Why did the percussionist go to jail? He couldn’t keep his hands off the crash.
- How can you tell when a drummer is at your door? The knocking speeds up.
- Why do drummers have a hard time telling jokes? They always drop the punchline.
- What’s the difference between a percussionist and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four.
- Why did the percussionist join a marching band? Because he wanted to beat it.
- How is a drum solo like a sneeze? You can tell it’s coming, but you can’t do anything about it.
- What do you call a percussionist who breaks up with their significant other? Homeless.
- Why are drummers always losing their keys? They keep putting them in their hi-hats.
- Why did the drummer sit on his drumsticks? He wanted to be on a roll.
Jokes About Drumming Practice

- What do you call a drummer who practices too much? Unemployed.
- Why did the drummer bring a stick to drum practice? Because he couldn’t find a tree to hit.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? You only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once.
- Why did the drummer get kicked out of music school? He was always trying to beat the system.
- What do you call a drummer who practices all day and never gets any better? A metronome.
- How do you know when a drummer is practicing too much? Their neighbors start a petition for a noise ordinance.
- Why did the drummer go to jail? He couldn’t stop breaking the beat.
- What do you call a drummer who practices for hours but still plays out of time? A time traveler.
- What’s the hardest part of drumming practice? Convincing everyone else it’s music.
- How can you tell if a drummer has been practicing at home? The neighbors are all wearing earplugs.
- What do you get when you cross a drummer with a metronome? Someone who practices a lot, but still can’t keep time.
Drumming Mishap Jokes
- How do you know when a drummer is at the door? The knocking speeds up.
- Why do drummers always leave their sticks on the dashboard? So they can park in the handicapped spots.
- How can you tell if a drummer’s stage riser is level? The drool comes out of both sides of his mouth.
- What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Overqualified.
- What did the drummer say to the band leader? “Do you want me to play too fast or too slow?”
- Why did the drum machine go broke? It kept losing its beats.
- What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless.
- How do you know when your drum riser is level? The drummer is drooling from both sides of his mouth.
- What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians? A drummer.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? You only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once.
- Why did the drummer take up gardening? He wanted to learn how to grow some “beets”.
- Why do drummers have lots of kids? They’re not too good at the rhythm method.
- How do you get a drummer to stop playing? Put sheet music in front of him.
- Why did the drummer stare at the can of orange juice? It said “concentrate”.
Band Member Banter Jokes
- What do you call a guitarist who breaks up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
- How do you get a bass player off your doorstep? Pay for the pizza.
- Why do trombone players make terrible detectives? They’re always stuck in a slide.
- What’s the difference between a saxophone player and a Mac computer? A Mac actually has gigs.
- How do you make a guitarist stop playing? Put sheet music in front of him.
- Why did the pianist go to jail? Because he couldn’t find the right key and couldn’t handle the bars.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? You only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once.
- Why did the singer get locked out of his house? He couldn’t find the right pitch.
- What’s the difference between a violin and a viola? The viola burns longer.
- Why are violins smaller than violas? They’re actually the same size, it’s just that violinists have big heads.
- What do you call a beautiful woman on a trombonist’s arm? A tattoo.
- Why do clarinet players always smile when they play? Because they know they don’t have to carry a tuba.
- What’s the difference between a conductor and a terrorist? Terrorists have sympathizers.
- How do you know when there’s a flutist at your door? They can’t find the right key and don’t know when to come in.
Drummer Timing Jokes

- How can you tell if a drummer is out of time? Their arms are moving.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a metronome? A metronome keeps time and doesn’t sleep with your girlfriend.
- Why did the drummer put his watch on the hiHat? He wanted to keep better time.
- How many drummers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they have a machine to do that now.
- Why did the drummer always get lost during the song? He kept getting stuck in a time warp.
- What did the drummer say to the band when they told him to speed up? “I can’t, my metronome only goes up to 120.”
- Why did the drummer put a calendar on his drum kit? He was trying to keep a date.
- How do you know when a drummer is knocking at your door? The knocking speeds up and slows down.
- What do you call a drummer who can’t keep time? A guitarist.
- Why are drummers always running late? They’re always trying to catch up with the beat.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings account? A savings account will eventually mature and make money.
- Why do drummers always count to four? They don’t know any higher numbers.
- What do you call a drummer who’s always on time? A myth.
Drum Lessons Jokes
- What do you call a drummer who broke his sticks? Unemployed.
- Why did the drummer go to jail? He kept beating things up.
- What’s the best way to confuse a drummer? Put sheet music in front of them.
- Why did the drummer take up gardening? So he could actually grow something instead of just keeping time.
- Why did the drummer sit on his drumsticks? He wanted to hatch a new beat.
- What do you call a drummer who has perfect pitch? Lucky.
- Why do drummers always lose at poker? They put all their chips on the hiHat.
- Why are drummers always so happy? They’re always in the beat.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four.
- Why did the drummer refuse to use a metronome? He didn’t want to be pushed around by a little box.
- What do drummers and comedians have in common? They both need a good setup for a punchline.
Jokes About Drumming Frustrations
- How can you tell a drummer’s kid at the playground? They’re the ones who can’t find the swing rhythm.
- Why did the drummer bring his drumsticks to school? He wanted to beat the lunch rush.
- How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but he’ll break ten bulbs before he gets it right.
- Why did the drummer get sent to detention? He couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
- What do you call a drummer who’s always out of time? A syncopath.
- Why don’t drummers ever make good comedians? Their sense of timing is all off.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? Eventually, the savings bond will mature and make money.
- How do you know if a drummer is at your door? The knocking speeds up and slows down.
Drumming Career Jokes
- Why do drummers always carry a roll of duct tape? To tape up the bass player when they start playing too fast.
- What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless.
- How can you tell if a drummer’s at the door? The knocking speeds up and they don’t know when to come in.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? You only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once.
- Why did the drummer break up with his partner? He couldn’t keep the beat in their relationship.
- What do you call a drummer who can play in time? A myth.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? One will mature and make money.
- How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb? None, they have machines to do that now.
- Why did the drummer get in trouble at school? He couldn’t find his homework on the crash cymbal.
- Why do drummers make terrible chefs? They keep dropping the beat in the soup.
- Why did the drummer become a gardener? Because he wanted to improve his stick control by raking leaves.
Drummer’s Love Life Jokes

- What do you call a drummer who’s in a loving relationship? A very good liar.
- Why did the drummer never get a second date? Their rhythm was always off.
- What do drummers use for birth control? Their personalities.
- Why do drummers have trouble finding love? They’re always beating around the bush.
- How can you tell a drummer has a crush on you? They’ll start drumming your name on their kit.
- What’s the difference between a drummer’s love life and a time machine? A time machine can actually go back and fix mistakes.
- Why don’t drummers ever fall in love at first sight? They can’t count past four.
- What do drummers do to keep their love life exciting? They change their drum sticks with their partners’ lipstick.
- Why are drummers always “on the rebound” in their love lives? They’re used to hitting things and having them come back to them.
- Why do drummers always break up with their partners? They’re used to ending things with a bang.
- What do you get when you cross a drummer’s love life with a metronome? A lot of missed beats and bad timing.
- Why are drummers terrible at long-distance relationships? They can’t keep time well enough to make a phone call work.
- Why don’t drummers believe in love at first sight? They’re too busy looking for the perfect beat.
Jokes on Drumming Gigs
- What do you call a drummer that breaks up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
- Why do drummers always carry a roll of toilet paper to their gigs? They never know when they might need to clean up a bad beat.
- How is a drum solo like a sneeze? You know it’s coming, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? One will eventually mature and make money.
- Why do drummers have lots of kids? They’re not too good at the rhythm method.
- How can you tell if a drummer is at your door? The knocking speeds up and gets louder, and they don’t know when to come in.
- What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians? A drummer.
- What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Gifted.
- Why did the drummer sit on his drumsticks? He wanted to hatch a beat.
- What did the drummer say to the band leader? “Do you want me to play too fast or too slow?”
- How do you get a drummer off your porch? Pay for the pizza.
Jokes About Drummer’s Egos.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? The drum machine can keep time and doesn’t talk back.
- Why did the drummer put his drumsticks on the dashboard of his car? So he could use the carpool lane.
- How do you know if there’s a drummer at your door? The knocking speeds up and they don’t know when to come in.
- Why did the drummer break up with his girlfriend? She just couldn’t keep up with his tempo.
- What do you call a drummer who’s lost his sticks? A conductor.
- How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb? Five: one to change the lightbulb and four to stand around talking about how much better Neil Peart would have done it.
- What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings bond? One will eventually mature and make money.
- What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless.
- How can you tell if the stage is level? The drummer drools from both sides of his mouth equally.
- Why are drummer jokes so simple? So the rest of the band can understand them.
- What’s the similarity between a drummer and a philosopher? They both perceive time as an abstract concept.
- What do you call a drummer who just broke up with his band? Unemployed.
Top 128 Best Drummer Puns

- Why do drummers make great detectives? Because they always have a keen sense of timing!
- The drummer who always started early was great at playing catch-up.
- They said I had too many drums, but I can never have enough cymbalism in my life!
- Why do drummers make terrible doctors? Because they always skip a beat!
- The drummer’s memory was like his snare drum – tightly wound and full of snap.
- Heard about the drummer who quit? He just couldn’t find the time.
- I used to play triangle, but then I got into some heavy metal.
- Being a drummer is like riding a bike – it’ll always stick with you.
- What do you call a drummer with three arms? A three-tom bonanza!
- Why did the drummer catch a cold? He kept going out without his cymbal.
- Drummers always march to the beat of their own drumsticks.
- The drummer’s favorite type of furniture? A percussion.
- Why did the kick drum and the snare drum build a house? To establish a solid groove.
- When a drummer gives you advice, take it with a grain of snare.
- The drummer’s favorite type of fruit? Bongo-nanas!
- What do you call a drummer who loves nature? A beat-le.
- Why did the drummer refuse to play cards? He only wanted to drum up a good time.
- The drummer’s favorite type of ice cream? Drumsticks, of course!
- What do you call a drummer who’s always late? Off-beat.
- What do you call a drummer in a suit? A sharp dressed man.
- Why did the drummer open a bakery? He had a passion for rolling scones.
- The drummer’s favorite type of novel? One with great rhythm and pace.
- Why are drummers great at baseball? They have excellent stick skills.
- What do you call a drummer who practices yoga? Flexible beats.
- What does a drummer use to fix a leaky faucet? A hi-hat washer!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite part of a tree? The percussion.
- The drummer’s favorite condiment? Base drum-ion sauce.
- A drummer’s favorite snack? Pop(corn) and lock it!
- What do you call a drummer’s autobiography? Stories from the Beat.
- What do drummers say when they finish a beat? “I’m all set!”
- Why did the drummer join a gym? To work on his drum-bod.
- The drummer’s favorite cooking instrument? A cast iron cymbal-let.
- Drummers always have a drumtastic day!
- The drummer kept his money in a percus-savings account.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite dance? The paradiddle!
- How does a drummer cut his pizza? With a cymbal slicer!
- Drummers make the best employees because they’re never short of a beat.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite superpower? The ability to control time.
- What do you get if you cross a drummer with a pirate? A rock ‘n roll buccaneer!
- A drummer’s favorite brand of shoes? Tom’s!
- Why do drummers always wear camouflage? They want to blend in with the rhythm section.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite insect? A drumming beetle.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite movie? Drumline.
- How do drummers stay warm in the winter? They just beat the cold!
- The drummer’s preferred mode of transportation? A stick-shift car!
- What do you call a drummer who loves to swim? A water rhythm specialist.
- Where do drummers go to learn new beats? Drumversity.
- What do you call a drummer who moonlights as a magician? A paradiddler!
- If you need a drummer for your business, just post a job listing on a beat-board!
- What did the drummer name his dog? Snare-y.
- A drummer’s favorite dessert? Drum-roll cake.
- The drummer’s favorite place to eat? Snare-y’s restaurant!
- What does a drummer do when they retire? Give up their sticks for the quiet life.
- Never trust a drummer trying to sell you something – they’re all about the boom and bust.
- A drummer’s favorite part of school? Recess-ions.
- The drummer’s favorite laundry detergent? Ritm-O-Clean.
- How do drummers connect online? They use the Drum-ernet!
- What do you call a drummer who’s always getting into trouble? A percussive menace.
- The drummer’s favorite yoga pose? Downward Snare Dog.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite nursery rhyme? Humpty Dumpty and his great fall on the drums.
- What do you call a group of drummers hanging out? The Beat Club.
- The best way to a drummer’s heart is through their stomach – just make sure you don’t skip a beet!
- A drummer’s favorite pastime? Drumstick fishing.
- A drummer’s favorite type of barbecue? Drum-smoked ribs.
- What do you call a drummer who’s great at sports? An all-rounder!
- The drummer’s favorite smoothie flavor? Percussive peach.
- What do drummers wear on their feet? Hi-hat sandals.
- A drummer’s favorite board game? Drum-opoly!
- How do drummers prevent sunburns? They use Drum-screen!
- What does a drummer say when they stub their toe? “Oh, my aching hi-hat!”
- A drummer’s favorite type of car? One with a matching bass drum and pedal!
- What do you call a drummer who’s amazing with numbers? A mathemagician!
- Drummers are the best people to hug – they’ve got great rhythm.
- A drummer’s favorite holiday destination? Rhythm Island.
- What do you call a stylish drummer? A snazzy snare-tapper!
- Which superhero does every drummer aspire to be? The Incredible Cymbal.
- Drummers, don’t worry – you’ll never hit a plateau when you rock the edge of a cymbal!
- The drummer’s favorite type of plant? A drumstick tree.
- What do drummers use to light up their rooms? Drum-lights!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite topping? Cymbal-ine!
- Drummers always have the best vacation plans – they beat the travel blues away!
- A drummer’s favorite household chore? Beating the rugs.
- A drummer’s favorite type of quarterback? A drum-throw passer!
- What did the drummer say to the trombone player? “You’re always trying to slide your way in!”
- Why are drummers always happy? Life’s just one big beat!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite weather? A snare-y storm.
- The drummer’s favorite game show? Wheel of Percussion!
- How do drummers maintain good relationships? They always stay in sync!
- A drummer’s favorite bedtime story? Rock-a-bye baby with perfect rhythm!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite part of a ship? The percussion deck.
- A drummer’s favorite candy? Beat Drops.
- How do drummers greet each other? With a high-stick-tac!
- The drummer’s favorite type of workout? Drum-bell training!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite skin-care product? Cymbal Glow.
- Drummers’ secret to happiness? Live life a beat at a time.
- The drummer’s favorite type of bird? Beat pecker woodpeckers.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite sport? Drum-ball!
- The drummer’s last words before a big performance? “Let’s snare this!”
- How do drummers keep their teeth clean? With a set of drum brushes!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite way to chill? By playing some cool beats.
- A drummer’s favorite type of pasta? Beatalini!
- A drummer’s favorite type of pizza? Extra snare-ami!
- The drummer’s favorite TV show? The Big Bang Theory.
- Drummers love charity work – they always help to beat the odds!
- A drummer’s favorite historical period? The Cymbal-ic Age.
- What’s a drummer’s favorite word? Beat-astic!
- How do drummers stay humble? They remind themselves that it’s not all about the drum roll.
- The drummer’s favorite dinosaur? The Beatosaurus Rex!
- Drummers are known for their resistance – they’ll never be defeated by a broken drumstick!
- Why did the drummer go to the doctor? To get a rhythm prescription!
- A drummer’s favorite board game piece? The thimble – it protects their fingers from blisters!
- A drummer’s favorite grocery store? Beat-Mart!
- What’s a drummer’s favorite accessory? Drumstick earrings!
- Drummers believe in going green – they recycle and reuse their drumsticks!
- The drummer’s favorite month? Rock-tober!
- A drummer’s favorite charity? Feed the Beat.
- The drummer’s favorite type of street? One with a rhythm and a groove!
- What does a drummer say to keep the band motivated? “Time for a paradiddle power move!”
- Drummers are the center of any party – they’re the drum roll of every event!
- The drummer’s favorite burger joint? Five Beats Burgers & Fries.
- A drummer’s favorite animal? The drumming kingfisher!
- A drummer’s favorite pet? A beat-er Spaniel.
- The drummer’s favorite type of dessert? Beats by Dre.
- Drummers are natural-born leaders – they beat the path for others to follow!
- How do drummers defend against an attack? By performing a beat-down.
- The drummer’s favorite artist? Vincent van Beethoven!-Gogh.
- Drummers love a challenge – they always want to beat the best!
- The drummer’s favorite nursery rhyme? Hey Diddle Diddle, the Drummer and his Fiddle!
The Bottom Line
Memes, jokes, and puns have proven to be an entertaining and relatable source of humor for drummers and non-drummers alike.
Throughout this article, we’ve explored the various themes that these jokes tend to revolve around.
Like the comradery between drummers, the often underappreciated role of the drummer in a band, and of course, the endless battle between drummers and guitarists.
We’ve also looked at the unique characteristics that make drummers the perfect target for lighthearted jokes and puns.
Not only have we shared some of the best drummer humor with you, but hopefully, we’ve also shown you that behind every joke lies a hint of truth about the life of a drummer.
So, the next time you’re looking for a laugh or a way to bond with your fellow musicians, remember that drummer memes and jokes are just a beat away.
After all, laughter is the ultimate rhythm that brings us all together.

More than 10 years of experience playing and writing about guitars! When not writing, I can be found strumming away some Johnny Cash tunes. Favorite all time guitar is the Gibson Les Paul. #TeamGibson